Volunteer Opportunities
Citizen's Climate Lobby is making progress but we could do more with your help! Our members are students, professionals, parents, grandparents, business owners, and community leaders. Whether you have an hour a month or several hours a day to contribute, you can make a difference.
Learn What CCL Volunteers Do
Join a live CCL Introductory call any Wednesday at 8 pm to learn how CCL structures activities around five levers of creating political will: cclusa.org/intro.
CCL is laser-focused on enabling effective, efficient, and fair climate legislation, but there are many different ways of achieving that. You also explore CitizensClimateLobby.org to learn more about CCL, and join us from there.
Write to Members of Congress
CCL is all about building the political will in Congress to take effective and equitable action on climate change. A quick actions you can take right now is to write to your Members of Congress. You can start here: ccslusa.org/write.
Write a Letter to the Editor
A good way to influence members of Congress and move the national conversation forward on solutions to climate change is to get letters to the editor and op-ed articles published in local papers. Get some tips on getting published here.
Call your Members of Congress
Members of Congress listen to what their constituents have to say. Call them and tell them you support Carbon Fee and Dividend. CCL figures out the phone numbers and helps guide you if you need help with what to say.
Collect Endorsements from Community Leaders
Meet with leaders in your community to ask for their support for the Carbon Fee and Dividend policy. Businesses and prominent individuals can endorse the Energy Innovation Act online at energyinnovationact.org/endorse.
Meet with a New Hampshire CCL Chapter
There are currently seven CCL chapters in New Hampshire. Join CCL to be connected with your local chapter, then join a monthly meeting to meet other volunteers who are learning and taking action too.
Table at an Event
Educate people on Carbon Fee and Dividend and encourage them to take action. Tell people about their local CCL chapter and how to join.
If you don't have time to volunteer but would like to support our efforts, please donate to Citizen's Climate Lobby.
Get Involved
Dr. James Hansen, a leading climate scientist and member of the Advisory Board of Citizens' Climate Lobby, says "There is no more effective thing you can do to help address climate change than to become an active member of Citizens' Climate Lobby."