WPC-Household Impact
Dear New Hampshire State Legislators,
A new study found that 99% of the bottom fifth of US households by income will break even or receive more money in their equal share of carbon dividends than they will pay in trickle-down higher prices from cash-back carbon pricing (96% come out ahead)!
This report clearly shows that cash-back carbon pricing is great for low- and middle-income household budgets.
Cash-back carbon pricing combines the most cost-effective way to rapidly reduce climate pollution with a high progressive effect.
Please spend a few minutes reading about cash-back carbon pricing at the state and federal levels at carboncashback.org/carbon-cash-back. Review the one-page US Economists' Statement. Experiment with the carbon dividend calculator to see how different types of family's budgets are affected. Watch the 'Look who's talking about carbon pricing' video.
Then, ask any economist you know about the carbon fee and dividend policy. There's a better than 95% chance that any professional economist you ask will fully support cash-back carbon pricing with border adjustments at the federal level to reduce climate pollution efficiently and equitably.
When all the experts say something is a good idea, and especially when your own town's voters ask you to do it, I'm sure you'll agree it's a good idea to spend some time learning about this bipartisan climate solution. Seventy percent (28 of 40) of the New Hampshire towns that had it on their warrants this year voted in favor of legislating the Carbon Fee and Dividend policy at the state and federal levels. See if your town was one of the towns that passed the Resolution to Take Action on Climate Pollution warrant article at the bottom of carboncashback.org.
According to Yale Climate Communications, 68% of New Hampshire's citizens support a fully-rebated carbon tax.
Stay tuned for Carbon Cash-Back (HB 735), the state-level Carbon Fee and Dividend bill, to be reintroduced in the next session. This policy will efficiently reduce New Hampshire's climate pollution while protecting family budgets and our economy. State legislation will show Congress this approach is viable, beneficial, and voter-supported, accelerating federal legislation of the most powerful and cost-effective climate pollution-reduction lever - an efficient energy market.
Carbon Fee and Dividend uses a steadily increasing carbon fee to drive emissions down in the US and around the world at the rate required for our safety (see the HR763 dashed green line below). This is our best first step to address the global climate pollution problem:
I am happy to answer any questions you have about this bipartisan, effective, and beneficial climate policy. I would also be happy to help engage a major university in New Hampshire if you would like to set up a Q&A with an expert in climate science, economics, or both. Many of the US's and New Hampshire's most prestigious economists are included in the list of over 3500 US economists who signed this statement endorsing cash-back carbon pricing: clcouncil.org/economists-statement. That's the most US economists that have backed any economic policy ever.
Relying on sound economic policies is a dependable way to keep New Hampshire on the right path. Thank you for all your efforts to guide our state that way.
John Gage
12 Fordway Extension
Windham, NH 03087
Our Energy Future
This is the second in a series to help inform the NH state legislature about one of the biggest opportunities we have this decade. There are many co-benefits to the carbon cash-back approach (carboncashback.org/benefits). Previous "Why Price Carbon" letters are available.