WPC-Carbon Pricing is Coming. New Hampshire Should Prepare
Dear New Hampshire State Legislators,
I recently submitted information about the increasing likelihood of federal carbon pricing to NH OSI for consideration in their update of the New Hampshire Ten-Year Energy Strategy (attached below). It is likely the US will be forced to price carbon this decade through the trade actions of other countries if we do not price it soon on our own initiative. This has significant implications on many New Hampshire policy decisions being made this year.
Also, two months ago I met with some of you and reviewed the material I created for an MIT ESP class that I delivered to over 600 middle and high school students in the last year called "Help Solve Climate Change". For those who were interested but not available that day, here are the session guide and recording of a recent delivery. Of particular interest to New Hampshire policymakers may be the four minutes in which I demo MIT's En-ROADS climate policy simulator:
Session Guide (Document for LearningU's Spring 2021 Rainstorm event)
Session Recording (En-ROADS demo: 17:54 - 22:00)
I am a volunteer advocate for a policy called Carbon Fee and Dividend with Border Carbon Adjustments. This policy was recently discussed by Fareed Zakaria on CNN. Here is that four-minute video clip (after you get past the ad). Independent analysis of the emissions-reduction power and the equitable results of a bill (energyinnovationact.org) that implements this approach are available at carboncashback.org/benefits. I would be happy to answer any questions you have about this or talk about what preparing for a national carbon price means with respect to New Hampshire policies.
Thank you for all you do for our state!
Best Regards,
John Gage
12 Fordway Extension
Windham, NH 03087
This is the seventh in a series to help inform the NH state legislature about the best first step we can take to address the climate risks we face. There are many co-benefits to the carbon cash-back approach. See carboncashback.org/benefits for independent analyses. Previous "Why Price Carbon" letters are available.